perm filename APPEND.OTL[RDG,DBL] blob sn#658731 filedate 1982-05-17 generic text, type T, neo UTF8
@Comment{OUTLINE of APPEND.MSS by Scribe 3B(1134) on 17 May 1982 at 14:25}
A Why Use an Analogy?                                     0 APPEND.MSS, 00100/2
                              WhyAnalogy                  0 APPEND.MSS, 00200/2
B Multiplicity of Analogies                               2 APPEND.MSS, 00100/3
                              Multiplicity                2 APPEND.MSS, 00200/3
  B.1 An Object Can Have Many Abstractions                2 APPEND.MSS, 00100/4
  B.2 Examples of Domains with Many Axes                  3 APPEND.MSS, 00100/6
C The Nature of Reformulation                             8 APPEND.MSS, 00100/10
                              Reform                      8 APPEND.MSS, 00200/10
  C.1 Analogy = Reformulation + Match                     8 APPEND.MSS, 01800/10
                              DefAbst                     8 APPEND.MSS, 04100/10
  C.2 Just What is Reformulation?                         9 APPEND.MSS, 00100/11
                              ReformCases                 9 APPEND.MSS, 00200/11
  C.3 Why Use Reformulation?                             11 APPEND.MSS, 00100/12
                              WhyReform                  11 APPEND.MSS, 00200/12
  C.4 Other Comments on Reformulation                    12 APPEND.MSS, 00100/13
                              ReformOther                12 APPEND.MSS, 00200/13
                              Sensor                     12 APPEND.MSS, 00100/14
                              InvHier                    13 APPEND.MSS, 00100/16
D Analogy Vocabulary                                     15 APPEND.MSS, 00100/18
                              Analogy-Vocab              15 APPEND.MSS, 00200/18
E Miscellaneous Thoughts                                 16 APPEND.MSS, 00100/19
                              Misc                       16 APPEND.MSS, 00200/19
                              Lakoffette #3              16 APPEND.MSS, 05000/19
                              DvsP #5                    17 APPEND.MSS, 09000/19
 Table of Contents                                        1 050S01.TMP, 00300/1
	Alphabetic Listing of Cross-Reference Tags and Labels

Tag or Label Name                    Page   Label Value  Source file Location
ANALOGY-VOCAB                          15           D  APPEND.MSS, 00200/18
DEFABST                                 8              APPEND.MSS, 04100/10
DVSP                                   17          #5  APPEND.MSS, 09000/19
INVHIER                                13              APPEND.MSS, 00100/16
LAKOFFETTE                             16          #3  APPEND.MSS, 05000/19
MISC                                   16           E  APPEND.MSS, 00200/19
MULTIPLICITY                            2           B  APPEND.MSS, 00200/3
REFORM                                  8           C  APPEND.MSS, 00200/10
REFORMCASES                             9         C.2  APPEND.MSS, 00200/11
REFORMOTHER                            12         C.4  APPEND.MSS, 00200/13
SENSOR                                 12              APPEND.MSS, 00100/14
WHYANALOGY                              0           A  APPEND.MSS, 00200/2
WHYREFORM                              11         C.3  APPEND.MSS, 00200/12